마인크래프트 비스무리한 쇼츠 영상(Minecraft Bismuir Shorts Video)

오늘은 AI 가 만들어준 마인크래프트 비슷한 쇼츠입니다!

(Today we have a Minecraft-like shorts made by AI!)



하단 이미지 소스는 1024*1024 사이즈 입니다!

(The bottom image source is 1024*1024 size!)


벚꽃축제 이벤트(Cherry Blossom Festival Event)

"봄 꽃" 시즌에는 마을이 활기찬 벚꽃 숲으로 변신합니다. 분홍색과 흰색 꽃잎 입자가 공중을 떠다니고, 마을 사람들은 꽃잎 등불, 꽃 배너, 사쿠라 차와 같은 독점적인 벚꽃 테마 아이템을 판매하는 작은 축제 노점을 운영합니다. 플레이어는 맞춤형 꽃잎 바구니에서 떨어지는 꽃잎을 잡거나 기간 한정 장식을 만드는 것과 같은 미니 게임에 참여할 수 있습니다.
(Villages are transformed into vibrant cherry blossom groves during the "Spring Bloom" season. Pink and white petal particles drift through the air, and villagers host small festival stalls selling exclusive cherry blossom-themed items like Petal Lanterns, Blossom Banners, and Sakura Tea. Players can participate in mini-games such as catching falling petals in a custom Petal Basket or crafting limited-time decorations.)



일식 이벤트(Solar Eclipse Event)

희귀한 일식 동안 게임 내에서 5분 동안 세상이 완전히 어두워집니다. 적대적인 몹은 힘이 증가하고 수동적인 몹은 피난처를 찾습니다. 고유한 Shadow Phantom 몹이 생성되어 희귀한 Eclipse Dust를 드랍합니다. 태양은 빛나는 코로나로 둘러싸인 검은 원반으로 나타나 으스스한 그림자를 드리웁니다.
(The world enters total darkness for five in-game minutes during a rare solar eclipse. Hostile mobs gain increased strength, and passive mobs seek shelter. A unique Shadow Phantom mob spawns, dropping rare Eclipse Dust. The sun appears as a black disk surrounded by a glowing corona, casting eerie shadows.)


해양 생물 발광의 밤(Ocean Bioluminescence Night)

특정한 밤에 바다와 강은 빛나는 생물 발광 플랑크톤으로 살아납니다. 플레이어는 빛나는 파도를 헤엄쳐 다니며 빛나는 진주를 수집할 수 있으며, 이는 Glow Shell Lamps와 같은 수중 광원을 만드는 데 사용됩니다. 빛나는 물고기 무리와 새로운 수동적 몹인 Sea Sprite가 나타나 매혹적인 수중 광경을 만들어냅니다.
(On specific nights, oceans and rivers come alive with glowing, bioluminescent plankton. Players can swim through glowing waves to collect Luminous Pearls, which are used to craft underwater light sources like Glow Shell Lamps. Schools of glowing fish and a new passive mob, the Sea Sprite, appear, creating an enchanting underwater spectacle.)


추수감사절(Harvest Moon Festival)

희귀한 수확의 달 동안 작물은 심으면 즉시 자라며, 마을 사람들은 독특한 요리법을 제공하는 특별한 잔치를 주최합니다. 빛나는 오렌지색 달이 밤하늘을 지배하고, 플레이어는 수확 토큰을 Moonlight Scythes나 Golden Wheat Blocks와 같은 아이템으로 교환할 수 있습니다.
(During a rare harvest moon, crops grow instantly when planted, and villagers host special feasts offering unique recipes. A glowing orange moon dominates the night sky, and players can trade Harvest Tokens for items like Moonlight Scythes or Golden Wheat Blocks.)


유성우 이벤트(Meteor Shower Event)

화려한 유성우가 밤하늘을 밝히고, 유성이 지상에 충돌하여 분화구와 독특한 운석 광석을 남깁니다. 플레이어는 광석을 채굴하여 별빛 갑옷과 운석 도구를 만들 수 있습니다. 운석은 또한 적대적인 스타 가디언을 끌어들여 희귀한 스타 샤드를 떨어뜨립니다.
(A spectacular meteor shower lights up the night sky, with meteors crashing into the overworld, leaving craters and unique Meteorite Ore. Players can mine the ore to create Starlight Armor and Meteorite Tools. Meteors also attract hostile Star Guardians, which drop rare Star Shards.)


사막 신기루 이벤트(Desert Mirage Event)

사막을 여행하는 동안 플레이어는 반짝이는 신기루를 만날 수 있습니다. 이 신기루는 모래 요정과 같은 독점적인 전리품과 몹으로 가득 찬 오아시스와 같은 생물 군계의 환상을 만듭니다. 플레이어가 신기루와 상호 작용하면 퍼즐을 풀거나 신기루 수호자를 물리쳐 플레이어나 구조물을 위장할 수 있는 신기루 유리와 같은 희귀한 아이템을 획득해야 합니다.
(While traveling in deserts, players may encounter shimmering mirages. These mirages create illusions of oasis-like biomes filled with exclusive loot and mobs, like Sand Sprites. If players interact with the mirage, they must solve a puzzle or defeat mirage guardians to claim rare items such as Mirage Glass, which can camouflage players or structures.)

감미로운 BGM을 넣어 보았습니다.

(I tried adding some sweet BGM.)